What Earth-Solo is
Earth-Solo is a project led by Aftab Art Organization that aims to put a spotlight on prevailing environmental questions with combined artistic performances. It provides a platform for people who recognize the value of connecting culture, societal and political aspects with current environmental issues.
Earth-Solo in partnership with other organizations, is dedicated to develop both the contribution and the participation of companies, celebrity artists, politicians and social activists, to establish a more eco-friendly culture in a worldwide perspective.

Our Mission
Earth-Solo’s mission is to produce and to support high level artistic productions which are directed towards positively improving the public engagement to nature and environmental questions by involving popular influential faces.
As the function of media and art categories expands in today’s world, our objective is to bring together efficacious public figures and multiple high level performances for gaining sustainable attention to the nature through an artistic platform.
Earth-Solo aims to inspire a creative environment within any discipline by engaging and activating populations around the world due to the significant challenges faced by the environment we all inhabit and share.
Our Vision
Our vision is a future where citizens of the world are more involved in defining the actions that will shape a healthier planet. A future where society can voice environmental demands upon industrial leaders and politicians to take discussion about the needs and requirements of our nature and environment.
We believe art as a medium can be used for creating and promoting an environmental-friendly culture and by using artistic performances, we can contribute to reach our vision of the future world as a healthy planet, a safe living environment for all species, and a world where sustainability is at the center of the laws and policies.
In terms of our environment, sustainability is development at a pace that balances between the needs of the present and the capacity of the future by preventing nature from being used as an inexhaustible source. Sustainability is at the center of our hearts and events as sustainability ensures protection and rational use of nature to secure environmental, social and economic resources over the longer-term. Our events will pay attention to sustainability by trying to only use renewable materials and resources, from textiles and materials to transport for Earth-Solo events, with focus on minimizing pollution and use of recyclable materials in our work.
Digital Marketing
With increasing pressure on the world’s resources, digital transformation has the potential to decouple emissions and pollutions from environment and economic growth. Even an art project needs to use digital marketing trends as new advertising model to maintain its competitiveness and availability. Many new digital tools and methods have become available and they can be seen as opportunities to create better audience experience for a project. Digital marketing can create value and benefit in different ways and decrease costs as well. It can be about launching campaigns on social media and/or delivering communicative messages faster.
Who we are
We are an international community of professional artists, engineers and marketeers with over Ten years of experience in co-operating with non-profit organizations to produce cultural and artistic projects. Beyond our occupations in different professional fields we are dedicated to use all our knowledge and experiences to contribute to the Earth-Solo project in collaboration with our partners.
We believe that a global action is needed to put our only Earth at the center of attention and only by doing this will we be able to save our planet from the influences of environmental changes. The same Earth we live on is the Earth we are destroying, let’s change this!
Our partners

European Commission

EU Green
Week 2020

European Sustainable Development Week

Aftab Art Organization

MATRIS Event & Production
Our current board

Afshin Khaef
conductor and composer

Ati Goudarzi
software engineer

Soroush Elmi
marketing manager

Mina Bahar
software engineer

Tara Boujari
software engineer
What we do

We organize cultural and artistic events with environmental focus by collecting graceful angles of nature combined with human being cultures. We cooperate with successful and famous artists in performances in order to use advantages in powerful social media to send a clear message in an impressive and artistic style.

Earth-Solo’s first event is planned for Autumn 2022 with a large concert performance combining dance, theatre and choral symphonic music that dramatizes climate change issues. The program contains tales and myths from different cultural contents from all seven continents aiming to illustrate the unity and equalization of human beings in sharing one planet.
How we do it
We build networks with organizations and communities to lead projects and unite musicians, artists, dancers and celebrities together internationally to actualize a multicultural performance that will engage and inspire a sustainable and vibrant future society. Three activity focuses are followed by Earth-Solo team members in parallel to realize the planned events:
Research in history and mythology to common influential mythological motifs among different cultural societies

Involve artists and celebrities who have been influential in different cultures from all over the world

Project management, planning and public relations

Why Earth Solo
We feel the environment is becoming worse with every passing day due to actions and activities contributing to global warming, pollution and climate change. Climate change is a dynamic problem that not only governments and large organizations can work to find a solution for, but a coordinated effort is required from all.
Earth-Solo will increase public engagement with climate change questions and encourages citizens to require governments, civil organizations and companies to adapt their plans and policies to the ever-increasing environmental challenges. Without awareness among more citizens and the population, it will become impossible to achieve environmental protection and sustainability.
If we are not aware of our actions and decisions, that are directly or indirectly responsible for global warming, then we will not fully comprehend the weight of the intricacies and we will not feel responsible. Only by taking further steps to provide enlightenment will we take firm steps effecting decisions and choices, to then take fight for environmental challenges such as deforestations, carbon dioxide emissions and particulate pollution that endanger life for all on the planet.

The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) is an initiative to facilitate the organization of activities that promote sustainable development and make these efforts visible on a common platform. The recently adopted global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) articulates key issues that call for urgent action at all levels and by all stakeholders. The ESDW contributes to this ambitious, universal and transformative agenda by promoting the organization of bottom-up activities that have a thematic link to and support the SDGs. As such, the ESDW aims to raise awareness for the 2030 Agenda in Europe and calls upon local stakeholders to actively engage with sustainable development, in general, and the SDGs, in particular.
Earth-Solo project led by Aftab Art Organization aims to focus on cultural events, artists and public figures for awareness raising and improving public engagement with climate change questions. It provides a platform for people who recognize the value of connecting cultural, social, and political aspects with current climate issues. The first discussion panel of this project will take place in Stockholm on September 20th 2020. The panel will discuss challenges and opportunities within sustainable events and the role of art performances in increasing social awareness about environmental issues. The program is followed by mutual discussion between panel and the audience. This program is going to stream online for potential interested viewers. This is the first event of a series of panels, workshops, and performances arranged by Aftab Art Organization under the title of Earth-Solo.
With regards to Covid-19 safety protocols we only accept a maximum number of 30 guests in this event. Please contact us via contact@earth-solo.com to reserve your place.
EU Green Week
EU Green Week 2020 is now scheduled for 19-22 October 2020, on the theme of nature and biodiversity. After the adoption of a new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 in May, Green Week will highlight the contribution biodiversity can make to society and the economy, and the role it can play in supporting and stimulating recovery in a post-pandemic world, bringing jobs and sustainable growth. The new strategy shows how the recovery is an opportunity for a fresh start, in the knowledge that transformative change is possible. It’s a chance to rethink our relationship with nature, to change the activities that are driving biodiversity loss and the wider ecological crisis, and to weigh up the implications for our economy and society. EU Green Week will examine how EU policies such as the European Green Deal can help protect and restore nature, leaving it room to recover and thrive.
This year’s Green Week will also act as a milestone on the path to the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity, now planned for 2021, where world leaders will adopt a 10-year action plan for biodiversity – a new global deal for people and nature.
Climate change issues are not limited to political borders. Therefore, it is important to sensitize the residents of Earth to be more caring about nature and environment. In conjunction with EU Green Week 2020, Earth-Solo organizes an awareness-raising discussion panel presenting an insight into climate change effects on nature and the role of an artistic and cultural platform to arouse actions towards environmentally-safe policies and lifestyles. The event take place in Stockholm on October 22nd. This program is arranged by Aftab Art Organization under the title of Earth-Solo and will be streamed online for potential interested viewers.
With regards to Covid-19 safety protocols we only accept a maximum number of 50 guests in this event. Please contact us via contact@earth-solo.com to reserve your place.